How to open a restaurant in 3 steps
If you want to gain a foothold in gastronomy today, you have to be well-prepared. Learn how you can ensure the success of your restaurant from day 1 from our expert Andrea Liguini.

Opening a restaurant requires not only careful planning
It is also about the willingness to take risks. Here are just a few tips to help you set up your business and pave the way for success.
1. First things first: from idea to business strategy
Before anything else, you need to come up with what I and most of the business owners
I know consider one of the most exciting parts of your new project: the concept.
2. Get support: gain trust with your business plan
Even if you have already drawn up a rough concept,
the planning phase is not yet complete.
3. the right people: allocate enough time for personnel planning & training
No restaurant can be kept running without great people transforming your vision into reality and doing the hard work with the same level of passion as you. So, proper personnel planning is the be-all and end-all.

„An early test run, preferably with invited guests only, can reveal possible mistakes.“
Andrea Linguini leads "La Noce", an Italian restaurant group operating in multiple locations. At METRO, Andrea shares insights and experiences with other gastronomy professionals.